Last Meeting - VIBE 2023
The last meeting took place in Belfast hosted by Chris Creevey (

History & Goals
The Virtual Institute of Bioinformatics & Evolution (VIBE) was founded in 2000

to consolidate bioinformatics research efforts in Ireland
Attendees at recent VIBE Annual Meeting
to provide a forum for emerging bioinformatics researchers
to provide a platform for the development of an Irish commercial bioinformatics capability
to develop bioinformatics teaching within Irish Universities

Irish Bioinformatics Mailing List
VIBE runs an Irish bioinformatics mailing list that anyone in the Irish Bioinformatics community is welcome to join. This acts as a community resource for sharing ideas and problems and a notice board for conferences and job openings. To subscribe to the list email LISTSERV@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE with "subscribe BIOINFORMATICS" in the body of the message.

Attendees at recent VIBE Annual Meeting

Directors & Researchers
VIBE's directors are the heads of bioinformatics research groups in the Irish university sector, while all bioinformatics researchers in Ireland are invited to participate fully in VIBE as members. [View full list of member labs]

VIBE holds meetings every year bringing together those working in the bioinformatics field in Ireland. [View details of our meetings]